Monday, November 16, 2009

Getting closer!!!!

The countdown has seriously begun now. I am so ready for Sunday to get here. I'm really pumped up about it all.

Yesterday was 10 miles. Overall, just not a good day to run for me. It happens. I ran 7, iced my knee for a couple hours, then ran the last 3. It was hot. Blah! I really don't like running when it's warm, or later into the day. Both of which I guess work for me considering the race begins at 7:30 and supposed to be in the 50s. That, to me, sounds like a perfect running environment!

Not a lot else going on around here. Just working, staying busy and counting down the days. I really am so ready for it. Wow... to think I started with a countdown of like 70 days or something and here I am at 6!!!

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