Thursday, December 24, 2009

Send your own ElfYourself eCards

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


That's how long it took - and I own every second of it. I finished.

This was a really cool graphic showing my pace and speed for the race. It puts it into some perspective. Despite some challenges, I still did well. 4.5 mph is really good for me.

Now for a quick run down...

I thought I was going to be nervous - you know the usually not sleep well the night before wake up with tons of anxiety. But that didn't happen. I slept great; probably 7 hours worth of quality sleep, and I was able to eat when I woke up. My traditional bagel with PB and Snickers marathon bar. I also drank some G2. Met Rod in the elevator on the way down. It was a nice ride to the race - stood in line for the port-a-potty (gross, but had to do it!). Then we get in the start line. We got packed in like sardines was more like it! While we were waiting we learned there were two really awesome events taking place that day - ok, three if you count this being my first half! There were two guys racing it out to break the world record for fastest marathon while pushing a baby stroller with a child. AND Sean from this season's biggest loser running his first marathon!!!!!! WOOOO!!!! I ran with a Biggest Loser competitor. How cool is that?

At the gun we slowly made our way to the starting line. It actually wasn't too crowded once we got moving. The first few hills weren't that bad and we had beautiful homes to look at through the first 5.5 miles or so. Our "cheerleaders" first saw us around that time - I spotted Dad first in his Longhorns sweatshirt! It was the uplift I needed to keep me moving at that point. The next three miles or so after that weren't too bad. I knew mile 8 was going to be a doozy because I had checked out the elevation map - probably not a good thing, but I did and so whatever. Rod ran off and left me somewhere between 6 and 7 to find a restroom with strict (very strict) orders to keep going and not slow down! I did well, and he didn't even bring me a cheeseburger. It was also somewhere around this time that they were playing "Whoa, you're halfway there..." which was very appropriate since I was at that point halfway.

We walked the hill of mile 8 - very glad for that and then I did what I could to keep truckin' along. Coming up to mile 9 I heard a pace setter for a marathon group say it was the last hill before the small one at the finish. This was very encouraging to me! There was a photo op at mile 10 and I threw my hands up spread wide to show I made it to 10. It was somewhere between 10 and 11 that Rod kept asking me to just give it 10% more. I was trying - hard - to push myself (something I'm not always great at). I thought I was doing awesome until some guy cheering from the side saw me and was like "Way to go walkers!!!" Rod about lost it - it was by far the funniest moment of the entire race. I really don't know how me made it through the next few steps without falling over.

It was about that point that we saw our "cheerleaders" again. They were excited for us and mom was walking along side saying I was almost there - "2 more miles and you'll have done it girly - your first half marathon! You can do it!" So we pushed along and trudged. Rod promised we could walk after we made the turn around - if only that thing hadn't been so far away!!! We made the turn at mile 12 and probably 12.1 I realized something wasn't right. I didn't feel right - everything was too clear - I couldn't catch my breath - and I thought I might pass out. Wouldn't that have been great (totally sarcastic) - I could SEE the finish and was struggling to make it? Sheesh - so I told Rod, we slowed WAAAAAAAAAY down to a snail's pace - I drank some G2, chewed some sports beans, and after a bit felt ready to go again. I think in all the excitement I probably started to panic a bit, which didn't help the breathing or pulse rate or any of that at all!!! I guarantee that moment made me realize that I was going to own that last mile 100%.

We rounded the corner again and saw the 13 mile mark. Only .1 to go - Rod started yelling to everyone that I was a first timer - "First timer coming into the finish - let's hear it!" (He's always been an crowd pleaser!) Then I saw "our" cheerleaders again. I ran by and slapped Noah, B, and Jeremy's hands - then saw Rod waiting on me. We held hands and basically sprinted to the finish. It was awesome to hear our names and know that I had done it. And well, sorry to say it, but I didn't cry! Haha! I was just glad it was over and glad I had done it.

We got our medals, took a finisher photo, and found everyone. We ate pizza and got out of town. I slept pretty much the whole way home and munched on a cheeseburger.

So - that's pretty much the race re-cap. More to come on final thoughts later. I figure this is long enough for now! Still all smiles, so glad I did it, and so blessed that Rod was right there with me.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

And that's that!

I finished. I'm home. I'm so glad I did it!

It was such an experience - one I won't start to talk all about in the blog, yet. Keep up for a few days and I'll post in pieces, otherwise it might not all fit on one screen!

A few things though - I have to thank everyone for their love, support and prayers through this whole endeavor. It was quite a challenge, but I know it was much better because of all of you.

Jeremy - For always asking me how my training runs went and never once getting sick of hearing all about my excitement/concerns, thank you. You truly are one of God's gifts to me and I am so grateful for that. I guess I also have you to thank for getting me on this track. Can't believe it was about a year ago when you said, "Let's go for a run". :) Love you!

Rod - I truly wouldn't have done as well without you. Thank you a million times over for sticking with me through this whole thing. I still could have used that sausage McGriddle from the McD's you stopped at, but I guess I'll forgive you. Until the next time - "Go Walkers!" Ha! The memories we continue to make!

My Smith Boys - You faces at miles 6, 10, and the finish kept me motivated. You guys are such a joy, and were there right when I needed you! I'm so glad that you could all be a part of this experience with me.

Mom and Dad - You've always told me I could do anything, and I've always believed you - mostly because you always believed in me. Thanks for your words of encouragement and never failing love. I'm the luckiest gal to be able to call you my parents.

Amber - For getting everyone to the miles to cheer us on, and for starting this whole thing - thank you. Next time we'll leave Rod as head cheerleader! (And don't let them give you a hard time - the "crusty" food was good.)

To everyone else - family, friends, co-workers - thank you. You all played such an important role in this experience. My "girls" praying for my leg, thank you. Natalie for reminding me I'm crazy to teach dance, run, work, and live a "regular" life, haha! Dawn and Jessica for those so inspiring marathon videos - they always took away any doubt. And everyone else. Just because I didn't mention your name does NOT mean you were any less important.

Ok - more to come tomorrow. Pictures and possibly a video link, soon! Now for a little RRTI (rest, recover, tylenol and ice!).

Thursday, November 19, 2009

The Last Run

So - that was it - my last run before race day. It was only 2 miles - amazing how easy that seems now. I'll be running almost 7 times that much on Sunday! From now until then, it's rest, rest, rest, good sleep Saturday, and a great mindset Sunday morning. I'm ready for it.

I really don't know what all to say. I'm just ready for it to be here! Jeremy asked if I was going to go after 26.2 next. I seriously doubt it, but I won't say never - especially since I never imagined I would have tried for 13.1! I don't know what I'm going to do next. Run the Jingle Bell run in December, maybe the Texarkana or LR Half. I'll have to decide which one to go for. Definitely just keep running - and I guess see where my feet take me!

I'm ready for this - mentally and physically. I know my body is ready and my mindset good. I just hope I don't get too nervous/anxious! I've got to be able to eat Sunday!!! Ha!

I'm sure I'll post again before race day. Until then, I'll take all the words of encouragment/support/prayers/whatever you want to dish out. Just e-mail me or post a comment (remember you've got to click on the title for the comment box to show up. Until the next time...

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

As if...

As if it couldn't be any MORE official, I got the final confirmation in my e-mail box today! WOO HOO! This is getting me even more pumped up. Regardless - I know my enthusiasm will carry me through the finish line. Rock on! (And yes - I just said that. Ha!)

And, this is probably totally crazy to say, but I LOVE MY NUMBER!!! It's all odd numbers which are my faves. It's like the number was made just for me. The only thing better would have been a 627... So maybe this one is the second best. :)

This morning was 4 miles. The sun isn't out today, so treadmill it was. You all know how much I dread the treadmill, but it wasn't too bad. I haven't had to run on it in a while, and 4 miles is easy breezy now. I finished the 4 without any problems, so that's great news.

On my way into work this morning I was listening to the radio looking at the beautiful mountains realizing how far I've come. I was also thinking about these obstacles that have come in my way - sore leg/knee last week, a bit of a sore throat, lots of "stuff" and little time - and God has taken care of it all. I know he's going to kick this sore throat to the curb and get me to Tulsa - and across the finish line.

I am so blessed to have my brother running with me. He claims he's staying beside me through the whole thing, but regardless of if he does or doesn't, this really is because of him. Watching him run halfs and fulls - hearing the crowds cheer everyone on - seeing the excitement on each face as they cross the finish. Just knowing I'm going to be a part of that - I truly can't wait!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Getting closer!!!!

The countdown has seriously begun now. I am so ready for Sunday to get here. I'm really pumped up about it all.

Yesterday was 10 miles. Overall, just not a good day to run for me. It happens. I ran 7, iced my knee for a couple hours, then ran the last 3. It was hot. Blah! I really don't like running when it's warm, or later into the day. Both of which I guess work for me considering the race begins at 7:30 and supposed to be in the 50s. That, to me, sounds like a perfect running environment!

Not a lot else going on around here. Just working, staying busy and counting down the days. I really am so ready for it. Wow... to think I started with a countdown of like 70 days or something and here I am at 6!!!

Thursday, November 5, 2009


It's getting closer to the big day!!! I'm really getting excited about it. I was thinking I need to get to a store and figure out what I'm going to wear. I need layers in case it gets really warm. Mostly I just think I need a shirt. I'm just about covered everywhere else.

This morning was 5 miles, and it went very well. I don't know how long it took or anything though - unfortunately. I did something to my watch. I thought I was resetting the pedometer, but apparently reset the time. It now says it's like 3 AM on a Tuesday! Anyway, this week I've run the complete half over three days. Tuesday - 5 miles, Wednesday - 3 miles, Today - 5 miles. That's just unbelievable. I truly am in awe about it. I'll be running 9 on Sunday. I can do it, and I'm actually looking forward to it. Of course, I really need to be thinking about what I should do next. I need to decide and get it on a calendar. Having something to work towards is the best/only way to keep it going. Bub's talked to me about some different things. Mostly I just need to decide if I want to continue on with halfs or not. Hmmm....

We had dinner with the family for Josh's birthday last night. Jacob was having ear problems, poor thing. He kept wanting to just color, which we did through the whole meal. I love my boys. And I can't wait to meet Everett! He'll be here in less than three months. Wow. Just crazy.

Happy Thursday!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Walk with the Dogs

Today was a 3 mile run or cross train. I figured since it wasn't a "hard" train day, I would take the dogs with me. It's always a little adventurous when they're along for the ride!

I took JJ first and walked/ran with her for 1.5 miles. She did really well. She usually pulls so hard on the leash that I'm fighting her the whole time, but today wasn't nearly as bad as it normally is. Then, I went back to the house and got Jojo for his turn. He was SO excited and if you know Jojo, you know what I mean. He was jumping and barking and running from side to side. I think I can safely say that he thoroughly enjoyed his walk! I want to start taking them with me more often, but I know it's going to take some time to train them so they don't pull the leash. I haven't taken them with me through this training because I knew I just needed to focus on me and what I was doing. I think after the race though we'll make a weekly routine out of it. I figure if it's good for me, it's good for them, too.

Not a lot to report. It was a beautiful morning, and a wonderful walk/run. I'm getting really excited for the upcoming race!!!!!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

New Shoes, New Groove

I had an awful run Saturday (BOOOOO!!!!)
SO I went and bought new shoes (YAY!!!!!!!!)
THEN Daylight savings ended Sunday (YAY!!!!!!!)
AND The sun is up when I run now (YAY!!!!!!!)

I figure 3 out of 4 ain't bad.

This morning was 5 miles, and it was fantabulous! It was dusky when I went out and the sun was shining by the time my first lap was over. It was wonderful weather, comfortable new shoes, and an awesome run. I finished right at an hour, which isn't too bad. The best news is that even with longer distances, I still seem to manage about 12 min per mile. If I can keep that up through 13.1, then I will finish under 3 hours. That's my goal, so I'm sure hoping! Of course, first goal is to finish. :)

I finally got some boosters - beans, bars, jellies, all sorts of stuff. I chewed a few beans this morning - blech! Not so good. Probably because they're cherry and taste like cough drops. Oh well, I'll probably still carry them just in case I need some! I think I'll try the peanut butter chocolate cookie thing tomorrow. Now that sounds good.

This past weekend was fun. I got to see Jacob, the Cossey girls, and Sonya/Trey. That was fun, even if short. I started a new bible study about God's purpose for your life - using your talents and all that great stuff. I think it will be good, and maybe give me some more motivation/enthusiasm/determination/will power to make it through these runs.

And I can't forget - HAPPY BIRTHDAY, NOAH!!! The big 5! Wow... I can still remember running through the halls the day he was born knocking on doors telling everyone. I can also still remember the 12 hours mom and I drove one day to go see him. Love my boys!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

A little better

Another 5 miles down this morning. I was so frustrated getting through it because I kept pulling the release. Arg. I did get it done though, and even though my legs feel like Jell-O, I do feel better about this morning's run than I did Tuesday. I didn't do anything yesterday. Bad, I know. I was supposed to cross train 3 miles, but honestly, I just didn't think my body was up for it. I just feel tired, and my muscles feel worn. Honestly, I feel them after walking up the staircase at the house, and I do that at least 15 times in a day! So, yesterday I just took a day to recuperate and stretch. Hopefully I can get back in the groove in the next couple of weeks. Particularly in the next 20 days or so!

I still can't believe it's so close to race time. Wow.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Needing a kick start...

So, technically, I should have gotten up and ran yesterday, but when the alarm went off, I snoozed... and snoozed... and snoozed... and then reset the alarm. That in mind, I knew there was no snoozing for this morning. (Ok, so maybe just once!) I was on schedule to do 5 miles today, no biggie... been there, done that. Except this morning, it was really a challenge. I didn't do it. I did make it for 5 miles, but walked a lot more than I ran. It was just tough, and I felt so weak.

I hate making excuses, but I really think a big part of all this was my lack of rest this weekend. We had a go-go-go weekend and while I enjoyed every minute of it, my body just didn't get the rest that it really needed. Plus, there's a lot of extra things going on this week with Halloween on Saturday and everything. I'm just glad that this week the long run is only 10K. I should be able to knock it out quickly and spend the rest of the weekend reading a good book, passing out goodies to trick or treaters, and resting. Oh, resting... that sounds so wonderful!

Even though I didn't really push this morning, I am pleased that I did it. The rain was pouring and it would have been so easy to stay in bed and reset the alarm. I didn't do that, and I did finish 5 miles, so not a total waste. I still need to get some gels or beans - especially before next week. I'm writing that on "the list" right now!

So, in other news, dance was so fun yesterday, and I'm so looking forward to today. The kiddos got to dress up, dance to spooky music, and have a short party. I passed out glow sticks and rice krispie treats. I most liked the change in routine. Awesome new music, fun costumes, and goodies - what more could I ask for? Except great students - and they are definitely that!

I'm missing my family today for some reason - my OKC boys especially. I missed seeing them a couple of weeks back, but I know that I'll be seeing them at the finish line in a few weeks. I was also looking at Jackie's blog and was missing them. I haven't got to spend much time with Jacob recently either. Jeremy and I need to just take him for a day. He calls me Jesscup. Ha! So, now I've been a Tata (Blake - he couldn't get his Js for a while), Woowoo (Noah and Reid), and Jesscup. I love them all because they're all unique to my boys.

Ok - enough - got to work. Hope you all get to have a great day, maybe curled up at home reading a good book or playing board games.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Love the Mud!

This Saturday, Blake and I participated in the LR Mud Run. It was so much fun. Definitely a little harder than I thought it would be, but still a lot of fun. B did SO good and I am so proud of him. He ran almost the whole first mile (almost wore me out), a little of the second and probably the last half mile or so. We were so hot by the time we finished that the mud felt great! It was a little harder to get through than I thought it would be. Every time we took a step our foot would sink, and down we would go. As you can tell, we found that it was easier to crawl than walk.

I know I already said how proud I was of B, but I really am. He did such an awesome job. Hopefully, he'll want to run some more races - or at least the Mud Run again next year. We also think we need to get Noah in on the action. We were so excited when we finished - mostly because getting through the mud was so tiring. Mom, Dad, Melanie, and Jeremy were waiting for us, cheering us on which made it all so much better!

Sunday, Jeremy and I went hunting. We saw around 6 deer, two were bucks (though I only saw one of them). The buck was moving too fast for a shot though. By the time Jeremy got his gun in position he was gone. We heard a shot a few minutes later, probably someone else got him. Then a little one came up, almost all the way to the stand, walking around, eating - definitely not easily spooked. It was pretty cool watching it poke around in the grass doing its thing.

Afterwards, we visited with Phyllis which was really nice. Then we got home, watched TV, ate lasagna, and made Rice Krispie treats for my little dancers this week. Halloween parties and rain - what a great combination! Ha! Running tomorrow - 5 miles. Wish me luck! Only 4 more weeks. Wow.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Hebrews 12:1

"… let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us." Hebrews 12:1

So - I know this isn't really talking about a "race" like what I'm preparing for, but it is still very inspiring. This was KLOVE's word of the day for yesterday. A nice reminder to put Him first and all things are possible.

Yesterday was 7 miles, and I did it in about 1.5 hours. It didn't seem that long while I was running, which is good! I was wondering how 2 hours would feel. It went well and I felt good. I still need to find some sport beans/gels, and Rod said I could probably find some at Wal-Mart, which is good considering there's not much else to choose from here!

7 miles is a little unbelievable, but what's more so is that I'm almost a month away from running the whole thing. I'm serious - look at the ticker! When I started this thing it seemed like it was going to be such a huge process, and honestly, I wasn't that certain of the outcome. Now, mentally I think I'm there. I know I can do this. I've already run a little more than half the total race. The rest will be small potatoes!

This weekend I'm traveling with Suzie to a dance convention. I'm super excited about it. I think a little kick to the creativity will do me good. I will admit, dance is getting easier though. I'm starting to feel my own and am feeling capable of winging it a little bit. I think the weekend will just add to the confidence!

The last couple weeks have been busy, which explains my lack of posting. This week and next week should be normal, so hopefully I'll have time to write. I've tried, again, to add the comment link to my page. I just don't know what's going on with that! I do think if you click on the title of the post it will take you to the comment page.

Hook 'em!!!

Monday, October 5, 2009

It's a Wonderful Life

Wonderful runs - I may have already said, but Wed I ran 4 miles in 48 mins. Very good for me. Then Sat, I ran 6 miles in about 1 hr 10 min. Also very good for me! I was pushing hard Sat. I wanted to be home by 8:30 and it was about 8:40 when I got finished. I was starting to feel exhausted around 4.5, but I kept pushing just so I could finish.

I had a great day Friday with B at the park. We always have a good time there and the weather was so nice. I actually got cold in the shade while he and Jeremy were tossing the football. Friday night we had a little shin dig with Don Juan's, cake, and ice cream. I got a belt for when I run to hold water and something small (I'm thinking gels or beans) in the zipper. I also got Beatles Rock Band (WOO HOO!), a yummy smelling candle, and money for new running shoes - or maybe pants - or maybe both, if I can find a good deal!

Sat I also decorated outside for Halloween/fall. Mom and I made a quick trip to many, many stores Sat before they left and we got some goodies for decorating. I'm pleased with the look. I just need to work on the yard/plants a little bit. I'm contemplating digging up my plants, then replanting them next spring - not because they won't last the winter, but because I think if I babied them and laid some good weed stopper, they might do better next year.

Last night I watched Three Rivers. Not ER, but might be my next TV indulgence. It was good, but being the first show a lot of it was getting you introduced to the characters and what not. Still good though. It did make me miss ER. I told Jeremy it's just sad - after 14 years, I just don't know what to do! So, this morning while running on the treadmill, I watched an episode from last season, and it was just as good as it was the first time. Hmmm... dear sweet, ER.

Today should continue to be a good day! Short run tomorrow, 4 miles on Wed, then a 3.2 miler on Friday. It should actually be a fairly easy week, which is good because next week will be very odd so I've got to get my training adjusted to fit. I've done that, which is why I'll be running Friday instead of Saturday. Either way, I've worked it out and I'm ready!

Hard to believe I'm almost half way there...

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Love the Weather, Love the Run

Back up to yesterday, another 4 mile run that was FANTASTIC! I ran 4 miles in 48 mins. and some change. I consider this to be excellent since it's only 10 mins. longer than my best 5K. I really pushed myself, and felt great. That's what I need to do - even on longer runs. I need to work harder at keeping a better pace rather than just lolloping along and getting it finished. I know that the harder I work at it now the easier the 13.1 miles will be on race day. (Which by the way is now less than 2 months!!!) And trust me, I did push. There were moments when I just wanted to stop, but I kept telling myself - it's only 2.1 more miles or it's only 1 more mile.

The weather helped tremendously. It was nice and cool, and even though I still looked like I had just gotten out of the sweat shower, it was so wonderful. I'm just ready for the weather to stay this way. I love fall, and from the way the newscasters are talking, the cooler weather and amount of rain we've had should make for very vibrant colors this year. I can't wait. Fall is just wonderful - particularly since it's followed by my favorite season. (Winter, just in case you didn't know.)

Fall also means FAIR TIME, Saw movies, and fun holiday decor. I just love the warm colors. I've convinced Jeremy that we should go to the state fair this year. I say convinced like it was the hardest thing I've ever had to do when it wasn't. My convincing basically consisted of me saying I think we should go to the fair and him saying Ok. :) He's easy to convince and I'm easy to please. I LOVE FAIR FOOD!!!! Ice cream and caramel apples - cotton candy and gyros - plus all the awesome games and prizes you can win... ok, so maybe not awesome prizes, but fun memories anyway. Growing up my brother always took me to the fair. We went on the day when you could ride for a quarter and we always had SO much fun. Now he's got me running - guess he's kind of like a hero or something to me. Better yet, he's like a super hero - with a really cool costume for Halloween.

Ok - time to get back to it. Dance tonight, then I'm taking off tomorrow to hang out at home. B, mom and dad are coming to town, so B and I are going to have fun. He's such an awesome kid (as are all my boys) and I enjoy time spent with him.

Happy Thursday - Happy weekend!!!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Not Feeling It

So, my Saturday run of 5 miles was completed - a little half hearted, but at least I did it. I just really wasn't feeling a run that morning. I woke up and ended up falling back asleep for a few hours. So much so that when Jeremy woke up he thought I'd already gone for the run!!! Anyway, I ran, but it was slow and easy. I walked some - stopped and looked at garage sales some - but every time I would also stop my watch. That being said, I may have been away for longer than a 5 mile run, but I did actually run all 5 miles!

And I'm quite possibly an idiot. What I thought was the time on my watch I think might be the calories burned. I've got to figure that one out... More to come on that later.

So, this morning was a 4 mile run. I started on the treadmill until the sun started peaking through then finished up outside. And let me tell you - it was tough! What you eat and do the day before truly does make a difference. I've really got to get back on that - making sure I'm chugging the water and eating good foods that won't upset my stomach later. I may need to start looking into some gel or beans, too. I figure it's going to be coming time soon that I'll need something like that. It wouldn't hurt to try at least.

This weekend was good. We worked outside a bit on Sat. Jeremy mowed the lawn and I weeded the flower beds. Both were very much needed, and I think we did a great job. Other than that, we laid around and watched TV. I also read a book - first time I've done that in a while. It was a nice change of pace. Then Sunday I cleaned house and grocery shopped while Jeremy was at the farm. It was then that I realized I haven't done dishes in like 2 weeks. Not because we haven't used dished, but because Jeremy has been keeping them cleaned and through the wash cycle. Isn't he wonderful? I truly couldn't do all of this without him - he's such a huge support for me.

This week looks to be fun also. Dance tonight, and again looking forward to it! Last Thursday just went so well and I'm still on the high from that. I just finally hit my groove, I think. My parents are coming in later in the week for another trip to LR. Things are just moving along there! Maybe dad will pass all exams and be back on a transplant list soon, soon.

Happy Monday everyone!!!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Quick Check...

I had a nice blog started, and lost it. Sure don't know what I did to do that, but oh well.

It's been almost a week, and I'm still chugging along! It's been busy, busy, but all is going well. Still running - a very successful 5 miles on Sat and looking forward to another one this Sat. Work is going good, dance is also going good. There's a few more busy weeks ahead, so I'm living for the weekends right now!

I know it's short, sweet, and very much to the point, but there's plenty of things for me to get done right now. Happy Tuesday - and have a great week!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Better days...

So I've kind of been down a bit this week. I'm sure mostly because of all the rain we've had. Monday after my morning run, I just didn't feel good about it, then I got home later than expected from dance and didn't get in the extra 1.5 miles to finish out my 3.5 for the day. Yesterday was just looooooong. I had to do a training for work, so I was up early, early and out the door on the road. The rain and dark skies really made it hard to keep from turning around and getting back in bed. Good thing I'm committed to what it is I do! Calling in sick would have been a nice option - too bad I'm honest. Anyway, the rain made dance - fun - for lack of a better word. Rain and a room full of 3 year olds doesn't mix well! They had SO much energy; like more than normal. It was good because I was able to feed off them a bit, but it made being productive a little challenging. I do enjoy the little darlings though. They really can be funny. SO despite the rain, and early start to the day, it really did go well.

Dad and Melanie stayed with us last night before their trip to LR this morning. It was nice getting to visit with Dad and I think Jeremy greatly enjoyed watching the Big Brother finale with Melanie. And of course, JJ and Jojo also love visitors! They got to see Jacob yesterday, too. Jeremy said he kept calling them JJ-Jojo - like they're one in the same. I unfortunately didn't get to see my boy, but I will get to see him Sunday, so it's not too bad.

Anyway, got up early this morning for another 3.5 mile run. And I did it!!! I ran 1 mile outside before it started raining - well, almost. It started raining with about .25 mile to go, so I just booked it to the house, changed out of the wet clothes and got on the treadmill. I finished strong and did a full 3.5 miles. And it actually wasn't too bad. I moved the treadmill under the fan and I think that helped a lot. My legs are definitely feeling it though. I think tomorrow I'll get up and do the bike again. That was nice last week and kept me going while giving me a little less stress on the legs/knees.

So all in all my week didn't start out fantastic. I was tired, it was rainy, and I just dreaded everything to come. Visitors last night and my run this morning lifted my spirits though. I'm back on it, and feel good about everything. Now just to finish the week strong with a 5 miler on Sat - and birthday bash on Sun!

Natalie posted a "Win a Game room for Pediatric Hospital" link on facebook. I'm sharing the love by adding it here. Arkansas Children's Hospital has been so wonderful to my family and extended family many, many times. It would be fantastic for them to get an upgraded game room! The top three vote getters are winners - so go VOTE! You can vote up to 10 times a day.

Monday, September 14, 2009

The Weekend and Monday Morning

It rained through the weekend which somewhat ruined my running attitude. The treadmill is just not my friend, but I had no choice. Saturday was a day of stretching - and lots of sleep. Pretty much all I did was sleep, and I hate it when I sleep that much. I just don't feel normal afterwards. Sunday was a 4 mile day, and because of the rain, I ran it on the treadmill. Needless to say, I didn't run the entire 4 miles. I walked a lot, which I typically do on the treadmill. I did however run 2.25 miles without stopping, and for me, on the treadmill, that was a great accomplishment.

I do think there's something wrong though - maybe with my treadmill, maybe with my watch, maybe with my distance calculations outside. I really don't know. All I know is that on the treadmill, I'm hurting/out of breath/dying around 1 mile. But when I'm outside I can easily go 2-3 miles, and sometimes more if I've paced myself well without exhausting myself. Plus, on the treadmill my thighs BURN - and I'm not even running an incline like the hills outside. I really don't get it. The transition between the two just don't make sense to me.

Anyway, due to lots of travels this week, I've had to alter my schedule. This morning I needed to run 3.5 miles because I won't be able to tomorrow. Needless to say, I only made it through 2. So my goal tonight is to go home after dance and finish out the remaining 1.5 miles. One can hope, right? I just don't feel good about myself for not finishing. I can't start breaking down this early in the game. I'm doing too well. My attitude has been good, my runs have been good, and despite all I've been doing, I really haven't been that tired. So, here's to no rain, cool temperatures, and an earlier sunrise!!! That's really all I need to keep pushing through.

Busy week ahead - work and dance tonight; travel for work tomorrow, dance, and overnight visitors (Dad and Melanie); run Wed; run, work, dance and travel on Thursday; presentation and travel home on Friday; run early, then Fayetteville on Sat; travel home and birthday bash on Sunday... Prayers are much welcomed (and needed).

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Another day, another dollar

As I mentioned yesterday, this morning was a run or cross training morning. I opted for the bike - many reasons, but mainly just for a change. It was a nice workout. I biked for 5 miles and 30 minutes. As I increased the tension my legs started burning!!! It went fast, plus I was watching old school Saved By The Bell - anyone remember Jesse's "I'm so excited.. I'm so excited... (sob) I'm so... so... I'm so scared Zack." Ha! That was the episode. Niiiiice.

I'm dancing again tonight. Looking forward to it. Suzie couldn't make it, so I'm going to help her out. It's competition team night, so it should be fun. And I'm so proud of my Jazz/Tap I class! They did SO good yesterday. I also used colored stickers in the 3 year old class so they would have a "spot" to go to when we went center floor. The only issue that came up was one little darling wouldn't leave her sticker. She took me a little too literally when I said everyone who stayed on their sticker if they wanted a stamp at the end of class. :)

In other news, we're having another nephew! I'm so excited. Baby Everett (and I probably spelled it wrong) will be here in January. Oh, how I love all my boys!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Long weekend, 3 miler, and blond(er) hair

I had such a great, long weekend. Friday, Jeremy and I crashed early. I think we were both worn out from our busy weeks. Saturday, I picked up the house and did a little shopping. Then we watched football with Nathan. They supported the Hogs - and I got reprimanded for wearing my Texas shirt. Whatever - they're lucky I at least cheer for the Hogs, but only when they're not playing TX. :)

Sunday, we made a quick trip out to the farm to look at game camera pictures and then headed to TX. There were some good pictures this week, just as there were last week. I'm just hoping all the deer stick around so Jeremy can have a good season. We had lots of fun and good food in TX. There's always good food when we go home. I think it's just because I'm not the one preparing it. Ha! I think B really enjoyed all his gifts, as did Melanie, mom and dad. I really enjoyed hanging out with everyone and can't wait to do it again.

Today was another 3 mile run. I really pushed myself and feel great about it. I'm pretty sure this was my fastest run yet - I'm not posting the time though because it's still not good! I am getting there though. The heat and humidity are definitely back, not nearly as bad as it was, but still pretty bad. I'm surviving though and that's all I can do. Tomorrow is a 2 mile or cross train. I'm thinking about just riding the bike. Hal Higdon suggests that as a great cross train exercise for runners - plus it will keep me from getting out in the heat!

The "blond(er)" comment in the title is referring to my freshly highlighted hair. While in TX, mom highlighted it for me. I like it. It's not really a huge difference, but I think that was a smart go for the first time doing it. Maybe next time I'll go a little more.

So, it was a fun filled, busy, and hot weekend. Now, back to the grind. Running this morning, completed. Work, then dance tonight.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

4 Miles and LOTS of Humidity!

I did it! 4 miles down - as well as one full week of running completed. I think I did really well today. I got out about 7:30 and paced myself well. I only had to walk about .25 mile - which is pretty good considering that's about what I walked during my three miler on Tuesday. I also started probably much slower than I needed to. I'm going to have to figure that out as I run more long distances. By starting slower though I was able to finish much stronger. Needless to say, I'm proud of my work today. This is the farthest I have run since April probably when I ran 5 miles. Knowing that I've done 5 before and 4 today just adds to the confidence building up inside me for the really long runs.

My legs are a little sore. I stretched out last night and today after I ran. The soreness will probably be around for a while. Running and dancing are going to keep my muscles guessing! Even though I stretch when running, it ultimately tightens up the muscles; whereas with dance, I need to be loose and flexible. So far it hasn't been an issue though, and I think as long as I keep stretching good I'll be A-OK!

I'm so glad it's a three day weekend! Of course, after today there's only one more day to enjoy. We're going to visit and celebrate birthdays and anniversaries this afternoon! I'm excited - and I think JJ and Jojo are ready for a little travel and visiting, too. They love Texas - though maybe not as much as I do.

Happy Labor Day Weekend everyone!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Rockin' Along

Today was another 3 mile run... AND I did it! I was about 2 minutes faster in time from Tuesday, but I think part of that was due to the threat of rain and the garbage truck. I'm really bad about trying to look good when others are watching (and I don't mean appearance). So every time I'd see the garbage truck, I'd stand up straighter and run a little faster. Sounds crazy, right? I even do it when people come out to get the paper and I see them. Anyway, I think that was one of the reasons why I was a little faster today. There was more moisture in the air, but the cool temperature helped keep it from being too bad. So far this week I've run 8 miles. Wow! And after my 4 miler on Sunday I will have almost ran the half marathon distance. Granted, it was over the course of 4 days, but I still did it. Just proof that I can and will do it.

I'll admit though, this accountability is great. Around 2.5 I was ready to go in the house, and I seriously considered stopping. Of course, then I realized I would have to come here this morning and tell you all that's what I did. I couldn't let myself do that! Especially after I already ran 3 miles on Tuesday. :)

Today is a very special day for three very special people. First, it's my mom and dad's 39th wedding anniversary. I am so blessed to have two fabulous parents. They've been great role models and have shown that good times or bad - love, family and God are all you need to have a fulfilling life.

Second, it's B's 12th birthday!!! Happy Birthday B! I honestly can't believe that next year he'll be an official teenager. Fortunately, he's a really awesome guy, and he loves the Lord. Can't complain about that!

I hope everyone in blog land has a great Thursday! Only one more day, then a nice long three day weekend.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Day 2 - Success

It was really hard, but I did it. I got up this morning and went 2 miles! I almost talked myself out of it. Alarm goes off - I snooze while thinking, "hmmm, I really should get up, but then again, no dance tonight, so I could do it when I get off work." Alarm goes off again - I snooze while thinking, "Today is a run or cross training day, I could get up and ride the bike... that's what I'm going to do." Alarm goes off again, and I have to recommit to getting up and getting on the bike. The think is though, once I was up I didn't want to just ride the bike - I didn't want to just do yoga. Either one of those would have worked and been great, but I felt like I needed to keep chugging along running. So, I did. I walked/jogged 2 miles. I think I'm going to spend cross training days doing that for a while. I have a tendency when I walk while running to really slow my pace (as in "take a leisurely stroll"!). So, using cross training for a walk/jog combo will allow me to focus in on the walking portion to make sure I'm keeping a good pace. I really have to make a conscious effort to do that.

No dance tonight. Kind of sad, but I know my body needs the rest. Yesterday went much better. I felt more prepared, and in turn felt like the students had a better experience. Plus, in the one big class, I had two helpers which were fantastic! I really might have pulled out my hair if those girls weren't there to help me. I need to remember to give them big thanks for that next time I see them.

So, running is completed and no dance, I think Jeremy and I will maybe take a short trip to the store and then vegg out the rest of the evening. We've got a little Big Brother to catch up on!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

5:30 don't come easy...

Today was the official Day 1 of running. Last night before falling asleep, I asked Jeremy if he heard the alarm to give me a swift push out of the bed. Needless to say, he didn't hear the alarm, but I didn't need a push. I got up, got dressed, ate some PB on toast, and went out the door. Of course, I say that like it was the easiest thing in the world - I didn't mention that I hit snooze three times and took about 30 mins. after that before I actually began the run. Early mornings don't come too easy, but I know as I continue on it will become a routine that I can stick with.

So, I made the run - 3 miles - pretty well. Sunday afternoon Jeremy helped measure my stride length so I could get my watch in working order. This morning I stuck with my typical route so I could double check out handy work. The first mile or so it was right on the mark, but as I continued, my stride length got shorter, thus making my distance show I went longer than I did. I'm going to continue my normal route for another week or so until I'm confident in the accuracy of the distance on my watch. I know it will probably never be perfect, but I want to get close.

Around mile 2 I started getting a little tired. You see, I haven't really done that much since my last race which was the end of July. I would maybe run a mile here or there, but didn't really push myself. Today I did though, which is a big accomplishment for me because usually when I get tired, I let my mind take over, and it usually wins. Not today though! I did walk about .25 mile, but I still felt good about it. When my pace gets so slow that I can walk faster than run, I know it's time to break for a few. I started strong - I finished strong - and put a big smiley face on Sept. 1!!!

In other news, the first day of dance classes was last night. CRAZINESS!!! I felt a little overwhelmed at times, not by the classes, but by all the excitement of day 1. When I got to the studio, I didn't even think there would be a place to park my car. Then I bruised my heel - way to go, Jess. Bummer. I was doing a "dig" in tap class which basically means you jam your heel into the ground, and felt when it happened. I must have been a little too excited. It doesn't really hurt, though. I was afraid it would mess up my run this morning, but I didn't feel a thing.

Day 2 tomorrow is a run/cross train. I'm not sure which I'll choose yet. I may do a walk/jog and some yoga. Love me some yoga!!!

Happy Tuesday.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

"The Plan"

So - I've given myself this week off from any running (or any form of "formal" exercise) to get ready for training. I'm going with a training plan from Hal Higdon, which you can see here if you're interested. I mapped out the dates, and it works perfectly to get me to Nov. 22.

Mondays are just for stretching and strength training, so there probably will be little to report. I do plan to stretch really well though. I know some people don't stretch before runs, but I can tell a difference between when I do and don't. It may be all in my head, but it's easier when I stretch good before a run. My goal is to get up early (5-ish?) to do all half-marathon training. It's going to be tough because early mornings do not come easy to me!!! I know I can do it though, and if for some reason I don't for a day or two, then I'll just do what I need to do when I get home - no matter what time it is.

I didn't mention it in the last post, but I'm also teaching dance starting Monday. I'm REALLY looking forward to it. I've written out a short plan for the first week and gotten some music together. There's still a few classes I need to work on, but for the most part I'm prepped and ready to go. It may sound a little crazy to be working my normal job, teaching dance, and training for the half. I thought so, too. But, I just had to tell myself that I could do it. Which is also when I decided that if I didn't get up early one morning, I'd just run when I got home that night after dance. I can do this. And if it gets to be too much, all I've got to remember is that it's only for 12 weeks. After that I can cut back on the running to just the days that I'm not dancing. Plus, regular work typically starts slowing down this time of year, so there shouldn't be much added stress there. I figure as long as I eat right and rest enough - and take vitamins - I'll be A-OK.

So, there you have it. The plan as of now. Hopefully this will be one time everything DOES go as planned!

Oh - and I think you should be able to add comments now to the blog site. Sorry about that before - what can I say? This is ALL new to me.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Here we go

My first entry to this journey. I hope you're ready, because I'm not sure I am!

This is the journey to my first half marathon. I decided to try the Route 66 Half Marathon after running my first 5K in Little Rock. OK, so maybe it was after I watched my brother run a half in Texarkana with such a diverse group, including a 76 year old. The race experience is so awesome with all these people along the route and at the finish line to cheer you towards the finish. While at the convention for the LR race picking up our packets, I saw the sign for the Route 66 and decided that would be my first half.

My brother started this whole running fiasco. Well, I guess you could really blame it on Amber. She ran when they got married and got him started. They've run many races and have both run the Route 66. Apparently, it can be pretty hilly, but I don't think that will phase me much. I run hills regularly in the neighborhood, so I should be prepared for that.

My biggest concern is my "mental-self". I find it really easy to talk myself out of runs or convince myself that I can't do it. Basically, I need all the support I can get. I need accountability. I figure this blog can serve both of those purposes. Since you'll know when I'm running, I'll have a stronger reason to get out there and do it!

So, here it goes... Lots of prayers are appreciated.

First official training run will be Monday morning.