Sunday, November 22, 2009

And that's that!

I finished. I'm home. I'm so glad I did it!

It was such an experience - one I won't start to talk all about in the blog, yet. Keep up for a few days and I'll post in pieces, otherwise it might not all fit on one screen!

A few things though - I have to thank everyone for their love, support and prayers through this whole endeavor. It was quite a challenge, but I know it was much better because of all of you.

Jeremy - For always asking me how my training runs went and never once getting sick of hearing all about my excitement/concerns, thank you. You truly are one of God's gifts to me and I am so grateful for that. I guess I also have you to thank for getting me on this track. Can't believe it was about a year ago when you said, "Let's go for a run". :) Love you!

Rod - I truly wouldn't have done as well without you. Thank you a million times over for sticking with me through this whole thing. I still could have used that sausage McGriddle from the McD's you stopped at, but I guess I'll forgive you. Until the next time - "Go Walkers!" Ha! The memories we continue to make!

My Smith Boys - You faces at miles 6, 10, and the finish kept me motivated. You guys are such a joy, and were there right when I needed you! I'm so glad that you could all be a part of this experience with me.

Mom and Dad - You've always told me I could do anything, and I've always believed you - mostly because you always believed in me. Thanks for your words of encouragement and never failing love. I'm the luckiest gal to be able to call you my parents.

Amber - For getting everyone to the miles to cheer us on, and for starting this whole thing - thank you. Next time we'll leave Rod as head cheerleader! (And don't let them give you a hard time - the "crusty" food was good.)

To everyone else - family, friends, co-workers - thank you. You all played such an important role in this experience. My "girls" praying for my leg, thank you. Natalie for reminding me I'm crazy to teach dance, run, work, and live a "regular" life, haha! Dawn and Jessica for those so inspiring marathon videos - they always took away any doubt. And everyone else. Just because I didn't mention your name does NOT mean you were any less important.

Ok - more to come tomorrow. Pictures and possibly a video link, soon! Now for a little RRTI (rest, recover, tylenol and ice!).

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