Tuesday, November 17, 2009

As if...

As if it couldn't be any MORE official, I got the final confirmation in my e-mail box today! WOO HOO! This is getting me even more pumped up. Regardless - I know my enthusiasm will carry me through the finish line. Rock on! (And yes - I just said that. Ha!)

And, this is probably totally crazy to say, but I LOVE MY NUMBER!!! It's all odd numbers which are my faves. It's like the number was made just for me. The only thing better would have been a 627... So maybe this one is the second best. :)

This morning was 4 miles. The sun isn't out today, so treadmill it was. You all know how much I dread the treadmill, but it wasn't too bad. I haven't had to run on it in a while, and 4 miles is easy breezy now. I finished the 4 without any problems, so that's great news.

On my way into work this morning I was listening to the radio looking at the beautiful mountains realizing how far I've come. I was also thinking about these obstacles that have come in my way - sore leg/knee last week, a bit of a sore throat, lots of "stuff" and little time - and God has taken care of it all. I know he's going to kick this sore throat to the curb and get me to Tulsa - and across the finish line.

I am so blessed to have my brother running with me. He claims he's staying beside me through the whole thing, but regardless of if he does or doesn't, this really is because of him. Watching him run halfs and fulls - hearing the crowds cheer everyone on - seeing the excitement on each face as they cross the finish. Just knowing I'm going to be a part of that - I truly can't wait!

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