Saturday, October 17, 2009

Hebrews 12:1

"… let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us." Hebrews 12:1

So - I know this isn't really talking about a "race" like what I'm preparing for, but it is still very inspiring. This was KLOVE's word of the day for yesterday. A nice reminder to put Him first and all things are possible.

Yesterday was 7 miles, and I did it in about 1.5 hours. It didn't seem that long while I was running, which is good! I was wondering how 2 hours would feel. It went well and I felt good. I still need to find some sport beans/gels, and Rod said I could probably find some at Wal-Mart, which is good considering there's not much else to choose from here!

7 miles is a little unbelievable, but what's more so is that I'm almost a month away from running the whole thing. I'm serious - look at the ticker! When I started this thing it seemed like it was going to be such a huge process, and honestly, I wasn't that certain of the outcome. Now, mentally I think I'm there. I know I can do this. I've already run a little more than half the total race. The rest will be small potatoes!

This weekend I'm traveling with Suzie to a dance convention. I'm super excited about it. I think a little kick to the creativity will do me good. I will admit, dance is getting easier though. I'm starting to feel my own and am feeling capable of winging it a little bit. I think the weekend will just add to the confidence!

The last couple weeks have been busy, which explains my lack of posting. This week and next week should be normal, so hopefully I'll have time to write. I've tried, again, to add the comment link to my page. I just don't know what's going on with that! I do think if you click on the title of the post it will take you to the comment page.

Hook 'em!!!

1 comment:

Misty & Cecil Ray Cossey said...

You go girl!! I know you can do ya!!!