Saturday, August 29, 2009

"The Plan"

So - I've given myself this week off from any running (or any form of "formal" exercise) to get ready for training. I'm going with a training plan from Hal Higdon, which you can see here if you're interested. I mapped out the dates, and it works perfectly to get me to Nov. 22.

Mondays are just for stretching and strength training, so there probably will be little to report. I do plan to stretch really well though. I know some people don't stretch before runs, but I can tell a difference between when I do and don't. It may be all in my head, but it's easier when I stretch good before a run. My goal is to get up early (5-ish?) to do all half-marathon training. It's going to be tough because early mornings do not come easy to me!!! I know I can do it though, and if for some reason I don't for a day or two, then I'll just do what I need to do when I get home - no matter what time it is.

I didn't mention it in the last post, but I'm also teaching dance starting Monday. I'm REALLY looking forward to it. I've written out a short plan for the first week and gotten some music together. There's still a few classes I need to work on, but for the most part I'm prepped and ready to go. It may sound a little crazy to be working my normal job, teaching dance, and training for the half. I thought so, too. But, I just had to tell myself that I could do it. Which is also when I decided that if I didn't get up early one morning, I'd just run when I got home that night after dance. I can do this. And if it gets to be too much, all I've got to remember is that it's only for 12 weeks. After that I can cut back on the running to just the days that I'm not dancing. Plus, regular work typically starts slowing down this time of year, so there shouldn't be much added stress there. I figure as long as I eat right and rest enough - and take vitamins - I'll be A-OK.

So, there you have it. The plan as of now. Hopefully this will be one time everything DOES go as planned!

Oh - and I think you should be able to add comments now to the blog site. Sorry about that before - what can I say? This is ALL new to me.

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