This was a really cool graphic showing my pace and speed for the race. It puts it into some perspective. Despite some challenges, I still did well. 4.5 mph is really good for me.
Now for a quick run down...
I thought I was going to be nervous - you know the usually not sleep well the night before wake up with tons of anxiety. But that didn't happen. I slept great; probably 7 hours worth of quality sleep, and I was able to eat when I woke up. My traditional bagel with PB and Snickers marathon bar. I also drank some G2. Met Rod in the elevator on the way down. It was a nice ride to the race - stood in line for the port-a-potty (gross, but had to do it!). Then we get in the start line. We got packed in like sardines was more like it! While we were waiting we learned there were two really awesome events taking place that day - ok, three if you count this being my first half! There were two guys racing it out to break the world record for fastest marathon while pushing a baby stroller with a child. AND Sean from this season's biggest loser running his first marathon!!!!!! WOOOO!!!! I ran with a Biggest Loser competitor. How cool is that?
At the gun we slowly made our way to the starting line. It actually wasn't too crowded once we got moving. The first few hills weren't that bad and we had beautiful homes to look at through the first 5.5 miles or so. Our "cheerleaders" first saw us around that time - I spotted Dad first in his Longhorns sweatshirt! It was the uplift I needed to keep me moving at that point. The next three miles or so after that weren't too bad. I knew mile 8 was going to be a doozy because I had checked out the elevation map - probably not a good thing, but I did and so whatever. Rod ran off and left me somewhere between 6 and 7 to find a restroom with strict (very strict) orders to keep going and not slow down! I did well, and he didn't even bring me a cheeseburger. It was also somewhere around this time that they were playing "Whoa, you're halfway there..." which was very appropriate since I was at that point halfway.
We walked the hill of mile 8 - very glad for that and then I did what I could to keep truckin' along. Coming up to mile 9 I heard a pace setter for a marathon group say it was the last hill before the small one at the finish. This was very encouraging to me! There was a photo op at mile 10 and I threw my hands up spread wide to show I made it to 10. It was somewhere between 10 and 11 that Rod kept asking me to just give it 10% more. I was trying - hard - to push myself (something I'm not always great at). I thought I was doing awesome until some guy cheering from the side saw me and was like "Way to go walkers!!!" Rod about lost it - it was by far the funniest moment of the entire race. I really don't know how me made it through the next few steps without falling over.
It was about that point that we saw our "cheerleaders" again. They were excited for us and mom was walking along side saying I was almost there - "2 more miles and you'll have done it girly - your first half marathon! You can do it!" So we pushed along and trudged. Rod promised we could walk after we made the turn around - if only that thing hadn't been so far away!!! We made the turn at mile 12 and probably 12.1 I realized something wasn't right. I didn't feel right - everything was too clear - I couldn't catch my breath - and I thought I might pass out. Wouldn't that have been great (totally sarcastic) - I could SEE the finish and was struggling to make it? Sheesh - so I told Rod, we slowed WAAAAAAAAAY down to a snail's pace - I drank some G2, chewed some sports beans, and after a bit felt ready to go again. I think in all the excitement I probably started to panic a bit, which didn't help the breathing or pulse rate or any of that at all!!! I guarantee that moment made me realize that I was going to own that last mile 100%.
We rounded the corner again and saw the 13 mile mark. Only .1 to go - Rod started yelling to everyone that I was a first timer - "First timer coming into the finish - let's hear it!" (He's always been an crowd pleaser!) Then I saw "our" cheerleaders again. I ran by and slapped Noah, B, and Jeremy's hands - then saw Rod waiting on me. We held hands and basically sprinted to the finish. It was awesome to hear our names and know that I had done it. And well, sorry to say it, but I didn't cry! Haha! I was just glad it was over and glad I had done it.
We got our medals, took a finisher photo, and found everyone. We ate pizza and got out of town. I slept pretty much the whole way home and munched on a cheeseburger.
So - that's pretty much the race re-cap. More to come on final thoughts later. I figure this is long enough for now! Still all smiles, so glad I did it, and so blessed that Rod was right there with me.